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Reports on Plant Diseases

RPD No. 501 - The Soybean Cyst Nematode Problem

November 1991

[ Symptoms ] [ Disease Development ] [ Control ]

Soybeans severely infected with the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, (SCN) become stunted and yellow or chlorotic and may be killed. The damage usually is most severe on lighter, sandy soils, but drastic losses have been observed on the heavy soils typical of much of the soybean acreage in Illinois. Symptoms observed on heavier soils often are limited from none to stunting or uneven growth not associated with yellowing. Yield losses can range from 5 to 80 percent, depending on rainfall, soil fertility, the presence of other diseases, and the population of the nematode.

The damage caused by the soybean cyst nematode can be greatly accentuated if the infected soybean plants are exposed to droughty periods and root-rotting fungi. Rotating to nonhost plants such as corn or small grains, eliminating weed hosts, and using SCN-resistant soybean varieties will tend to delay or perhaps prevent soybean cyst nematode populations from increasing to damaging levels.

The soybean cyst nematode has been identified in most counties in Illinois (Figure 1). Undetected infestations probably are present in the remaining few counties. An awareness of the problem will help in efforts to spot new and potentially devastating infestations.

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Unfortunately, the aboveground symptoms of damage on individual plants and the appearance of infested fields are usually not specific enough to allow positive identification. However, some symptoms are quite suggestive of infection by this nematode. Heavily infected plants are stunted and may be yellow or chlorotic, particularly in soils of low fertility or during drought conditions. Severely infested portions of a field may be oval to somewhat eliptical in outline. These areas may have a general yellowish cast and show the most severe damage in the center, with less damage occurring toward the margin.

Often these symptoms are not apparent. As slight to moderate stunting is difficult to detect, the grower often is unaware of SCN presence in a field. Yellowing of plants will not be apparent with low to moderate nematode populations unless plants are stressed by other conditions. This explains reports of the sudden increase of soybean cyst nematodes in new counties and fields in droughty years.

Many other conditions may cause the same or similar symptoms. Therefore, identification cannot be made entirely on the basis of aboveground symptoms alone. Growers should notify their area Extension Educators at once if they see the conditions described above in their soybean fields, or they should contact Extension Plant Pathologists at the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. Special arrangements must be made for collecting and shipping samples. Final identification cannot always be made with the unaided eye. The nematodes must be recovered from infested soil or plant roots where they can be identified under a microscope or with a hand lens. Older females, which are brown, are not readily visible on roots.

Field diagnosis can be done by digging up plants on the margins of damaged areas and gently washing or tapping the soil from the roots. The presence of white to brown, lemon-shaped cysts on the soybean roots provides positive identification. The absence of cysts, however, does not mean that the soybean cyst nematode is not involved. The absence of cysts is not uncommon where plants are nearing maturity or prematurely killed by root-rotting organisms. Soil samples should be submitted in such cases.


Soybeans are infected by the second-stage juvenile — a microscopic (1/60th-inch-long), colorless worm (Figure 2). Juveniles penetrate the soybean by puncturing the roots with a spearlike feeding structure, the stylet. They invade the root, then migrate toward food-conducting tissues, where they feed and mature. Feeding alters the internal root structure, thereby interfering with normal root functions and ultimately causing plant damage. In approximately three weeks, under optimum conditions (soil temperatures at 80 to 84 F or 27 to 29 C), egg-bearing females develop from the juveniles. At 90 F (32 C) and above, nematode development is slower and numbers reaching maturity are reduced.

The females enlarge greatly as they develop, becoming lemon shaped. They break through the root surface while remaining attached to the root by the head. The females lay eggs in a jellylike mass attached to their posterior end and retain about two-thirds of the eggs within their swollen bodies. If an infected plant is dug at this stage, the attached females can be seen with the unaided eye as shiny, white, spherical bodies about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. This is the so-called white female stage.
After death, the white female stage changes from yellow to brown – the brown cyst stage. By the time brown cysts are formed, the cyst (the altered female body wall) has become a protective structure containing up to 400 eggs. The cyst wall protects the eggs from drying, chemical action, predators, and some parasites. For this reason, the brown cyst stage is best suited for the spread of the nematode to new areas. As many as four generations of the nematode can be completed in a single growing season. Thus, if one cyst containing 400 eggs is introduced into a soybean field in the spring, several thousand cysts could be produced in one growing season. Thus, the introduction of even a single cyst into a field represents a potentially high nematode population that could cause noticeable damage within a few years.

A system for separating 4 races (designated as 1 through 4) of SCN, using 4 soybean differentials and a susceptible check, has been in use since 1970. In 1988, a new system of designating races increased the number of potential races to 16 (Table 1). Races are characterized by their ability to reproduce on certain soybeans varieties. Race 3 is found most frequently in Illinois followed by race 1. Races 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are known to occur in Illinois but do not appear to be as common as races 1 and 3.

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The host range of the soybean cyst nematode includes leguminous field crops plus some ornamental plants and certain weed species that are susceptible and will increase nematode populations. Highly susceptible hosts are shown in bold letters in Table 2. Other plants listed allow cyst production but are not often associated with soybean production in Illinois.

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Identifying the problem is the first step in controlling SCN. Soybean producers should be familiar with SCN symptoms and should suspect SCN where yields are reduced without explanation. The best way to determine if SCN is present and to determine population densities is to collect a soil sample and submit it for analysis. A preferred time to sample is in the fall, after harvest, so that analysis for SCN densities will provide timely information for planning the next growing season. However, samples may be collected anytime during the growing season for the reason of confirming the presence of SCN.

Soil samples should be collected to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Using a zigzag pattern, collect 12 to 24 soil cores (using a soil probe). Place cores from each 10 to 20 acre set into a bucket, mix thoroughly, and submit about one pint in a plastic bag to a soil testing lab. The University of Illinois Plant Clinic, 1401 W. St. Mary's Rd., Urbana, IL 61802 is capable of assaying for SCN. Also, there are several private labs in Illinois that are capable of processing soil samples. For a listing of these labs, contact the Extension Nematologist at 217/244-2011. A charge will be made by all labs for processing each sample (See Report on Plant Diseases #1107, Predictive Soil Sampling and Analysis Procedure for the Soybean Cyst Nematode).


Cysts occur throughout the root zone in the soil. Some accumulate on the soil surface. From there, they can easily be transported alone or with soil by man and by natural agents. Cysts may be found in the soil adhering to farm implements, machines, vehicles, tools, shoes, or other soil-carrying items. Nursery stock, transplants, bulbs, corms, and root crops may carry cysts in adhering soil, even though the plants themselves are not being attacked by the nematodes. Hay, straw, grain, or seed crops that carry dust or soil peds may also serve as carriers. Basically, anything that moves through an infested field in contact with the soil is capable of picking up and transporting cysts. Equipment and contaminated soybean seed that have not been thoroughly cleaned may be an important means of spreading SCN.

Natural agents may also be important in the spread of the soybean cyst nematode. Wind, runoff water, and wildlife can carry cysts into clean areas. Even waterfowl and other birds feeding in infested fields may ingest cysts and carry them considerable distances.

Control: An Integrated Approach

Ideal programs to manage SCN infestations ahve successfully integrated the following: detection through scouting and sampling procedures, and crop rotations utilizing nonhost crops and SCN-resistant soybean varieties. Maintaining proper soil fertility and pH, managing other soybean diseases and pests, and proper planting methods also help to keep plants vigorous and better able to buffer the effects of SCN. The most effective management system has and will continue to involve integrated approaches.


The value of crop rotation should not be underestimated. A grower will achieve higher yields on all crops involved in the rotation than on any crop that is planted continuously. Crop rotation has proven to be a powerful tool for controlling SCN as well as other diseases.

The goal of crop rotations in the presence of SCN are to: improve soybean health and yield; reduce SCN numbers; and to preserve yield potential of SCN-resistant varieties.

Rotations with nonhost crops such as corn, small grains, red clover, alfalfa, and sunflower and with SCN-resistant soybeans are effective because SCN juveniles hatch from eggs as long as soils are between 60 to 90 F (16 to 32 C). Optimum hatch occurs at 72 F (23 C). The second-stage juveniles have food reserves to last seven to fourteen days, depending on soil temperature, after which time they must establish a feeding site in a host plant. Thus, if no host plant is available, data indicate that 50 percent or more of the SCN population is eliminated by starvation each year. Even greater reductions may occur where eggs or juveniles are attacked by parasites and predators such as fungi, predacious nematodes, and bacteria.

Two crop rotations are suggested below that should minimize and may eliminate yield losses due to SCN. These two suggested rotations are based on the preceding crop. They are as follows:

1. Crop Rotation #1 (following soybean)
Year 1--nonhost crop (e.g., corn, small grains, sunflower, alfalfa, or red clover)
Year 2--SCN resistant varieties
Year 3--nonhost crop
Year 4--susceptible soybean variety if soil analysis shows SCN populations are below threshold level. If not, year 2 can be repeated using a different genetic source of resistance.
Year 5--repeat year 1

2. Crop Rotation #2 (following corn)
Year 1--SCN-resistant varieties
Year 2--nonhost crop
Year 3--susceptible soybeans if soil analysis shows SCN populations are below threshold. If not,
repeat nonhost crop or SCN-resistant varieties, preferably those with a different genetic source of resistance than used in year 1.
Year 4--If SCN-resistant varieties were used in year 4, repeat year 2. If a nonhost crop was used in year 4, repeat year 3.

The use of resistant varieties is the key factor in managing SCN. However, resistant varieties should not be planted consecutively for several years because of the possibility of developing a population capable of reproducing on a given genetic source of resistance. Use them selectively!


The success story of managing SCN has been the use of resistant varieties. Three decades ago, only a small number of SCN-resistant varieties were available. Today, through the efforts of public and private soybean breeders, this list has expanded to approximately 700 lines adaptable to Illinois growing conditions. Since 1977, the University of Illinois, in cooperation with the USDA, has released 22 resistant varieties ranging from Maturity Group I through IV. Newer releases have improved yield potential plus the ability to resist up to 5 races of the nematode.

Marion Shier, University of Illinois Extension, compiles yearly a list of public and private varieties resistant to SCN. All varieties are listed by maturity group and relative maturity within the groupings; a coding system that designates companies making the variety available; and a listing of race resistance and source of resistance for each variety. The Illinois Soybean Checkoff Board has published this listing in booklet form and free copies are available. For more information on how to obtain copies of this booklet, contact the Extension Nematologist in the Department of Crop Sciences, at 217/244-2011 or by e-mail at A limited number of copies may be available at local Extension offices.

Resistant varieties are the foundation for IPM approaches in managing SCN as well as other plant diseases. Some distinct advantages of using host resistance are that the pest control is purchased with the seed, it is compatible with other management practices, has few adverse effects on the environment, and in most cases the cost is minimal.


There are a few nematicides that are registered for use against SCN. However, they are not generally recommended for control of SCN because resistant varieties are more cost effective than nematicides (nematicides increase the cost of production). Nematicides may adversely affect the environment and frequently result in higher cyst counts at the end of the growing season. The reason for this is that a nematicide allows the soybean plant to develop a somewhat normal root system early in the growing season because of nematode control. Later in the season, when the nematicide has degraded to a non-toxic form, those nematodes remaining in the soil attack the root system and are able to reproduce rapidly because there is more root mass and consequently, more feeding sites. The end result is that population levels at the end of the growing season may be as high or even higher in treated fields than in untreated fields. Thus, the use of a nematicide does not permanently alleviate the damage and subsequent yield loss caused by SCN. The use of SCN-resistant varieties in rotations involving non-host crops is the most effective and economical approach in controlling the nematode.


Damage by SCN is greater on plants that are under stress from other factors. Damage may be reduced by providing plants with optimum growing conditions including adequate moisture (irrigation, if available), maintaining adequate soil fertility, breaking soil hardpans, improving soil aeration; and by controlling weeds, insects, and other plant diseases. These practices help plants compensate for damage by SCN but do not decrease nematode numbers. Research involving plant-parasitic nematodes has shown that resistant varieties and crop rotations do not increase yield to their full potential without the factors necessary for good plant growth and development.


Since SCN moves with infested soil, soybean producers with SCN-infested fields can reduce but not eliminate the spread to other fields by washing soil from equipment used in infested fields before moving the equipment to noninfested fields. Whereas SCN is often carried in soil peds, seed produced on infested ground should be thoroughly cleaned to remove soil peds before planting. Another common source of SCN contamination is second-hand farm equipment. Such equipment should be washed free of as much of the adhering soil as possible before it is brought on a farm and used. Cleaning methods have involved the use of high-pressure water or steam. Certain fields on a farm may be infested with SCN. Working, planting, and cultivation of these fields should be done after uninfested fields have been worked. After working infested fields, equipment should be cleaned.


These crops are all good-to-excellent hosts of SCN. SCN can reduce the yields of these crops, although populations higher than those on soybeans may be needed to cause losses equal to those on soybeans. At present, the best control approach should involve, through soil sampling, the selection of fields for planting that do not have SCN or those with populations below the economic threshold (see "Detection" section). Fields that have previously been rotated to nonhost crops or SCN-resistant soybeans for 3 to 4 years may offer below threshold populations.

In Illinois, SCN has been found causing damage on snap beans under field production systems. Snap beans with usable resistance to races 3 and 4 include Wisconsin RRR (root rot resistance) lines 36 and 46. Although little is known about the susceptibility of all commercial varieties grown in Illinois, it is assumed that they are as good hosts as soybeans.

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For further information concerning diseases of crucifers and other vegetables, contact Mohammad Babadoost, Extension Specialist in Fruit and Vegetable Diseases, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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