Reports on Plant Diseases |
RPD No. 602 - Armillaria Root Rot of Trees &
March 2000
[ Symptoms and Signs ] [ Disease
Cycle ] [ Control ] [ Resistance
Table ]
Armillaria root rot or shoestring root rot is caused by Armillaria
(Armillariella) mellea, a common and damaging
soilborne fungus worldwide. Armillaria is used loosely to refer to a group
of about 20 genetically distinct fungal species that can be distinguished
most readily using serological techniques. Common names for this group
include oak fungus, shoestring root rot, honey mushroom, and honey agaric.
The latter two refer to the color of the mushroom fruiting structure of
the fungus that can sometimes be seen at the base of infected trees.
Armillaria root rot is widespread in the relatively heavy soils of the
cooler parts of the temperate zones in the United States and Canada, particularly
in the Pacific Northwest. The fungi attack about 700 species of mostly
woody plants. Herbaceous plants that are susceptible include blackberry,
flowering bulbs, potato, raspberry, and strawberry.
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![Mushrooms From Base of Infected Tree](602_1.jpg)
Figure 1. Armillaria
mushrooms from base of
infected tree
(photo courtesy of E. Dutkey).
on image for larger version
![Bark Peeled Back Showing Rhizomorphs](602_2.jpg)
Figure 2. Armillaria
mellea - bark
peeled back showing rhizomorphs. |
Among shade and ornamental trees, oaks and maples are the ones most commonly
infected. Other woody plant hosts include azaleas, beeches, birches, black
locust, boxwoods, cedars, currants, dogwoods, Douglas-fir, elms, firs,
golden rain tree, hemlocks, hickories, hophornbeam, Katsura tree, larches,
lilacs, mountainashes, pines, planetrees, poplars, privets, rhododendrons,
roses, sassafras, spruces, sycamores, tree of heaven, tuliptree, willows,
yews, and many fruit and nut trees. The Armillaria fungi may infect
many other kinds of woody plants if conditions are favorable for infection.
Table 1 lists ornamental, fruit, and nut trees and
shrubs that are adapted to Illinois and their relative resistance or susceptibility
to Armillaria root rot.
Woody plants that have previously been weakened by drought, flooding, poor
drainage, frost, repeated defoliation by insects or diseases, other poor soil
conditions, excessive shade, polluted air or other chemical injury, or mechanical
injury are most susceptible to attack. The loss of fine feeder roots from this
disease deprives affected plants of sufficient nutrients and water, and often
results in branch dieback and staghead. The fungi can be of considerable importance
in the final death of weakened trees and shrubs. Serious radial and terminal
growth reduction of affected plants may occur. The fungi are also responsible
for butt rot in some species of trees. In fact, Armillaria mellea and
other species have been identified as having a significant secondary role in
disease complexes such as oak decline, maple blight, and ash dieback.
Armillaria is commonly found in most forest soils, so the disease may
occur in forested areas or areas that were previously forested. Diseased trees
may be found scattered throughout a forest stand; or infection centers composed
of one or several declining trees may be scattered in the stand.
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Symptoms and Signs
The aboveground symptoms cannot be differentiated easily from those produced
by other root or trunk injury. The most noticeable external symptoms are premature
autumn coloration and leaf drop, stunting of growth, yellowing or browning of
the foliage, a general decline in the vigor of the plant, and twig, branch,
and main stem dieback. Such a decline usually occurs over several years but
may appear to progress very quickly as the tree shows advanced symptoms of decline
and death. As decline progresses, decay of the buttress roots and the lower
trunk is evident. Small plants die quickly after the first symptoms appear with
large trees surviving for a number of years. Often a heavy crop of fruit (berries,
cones) precedes death. In addition, a severely infected tree exudes resin, gum,
or a fermenting watery liquid from the lower trunk.
Positive signs are found at the trunk base or in the main roots near the root
collar. White or creamy white, paper-thick, fan-shaped sheets of Armillaria
mycelium can be seen growing over the water-soaked sapwood when exposed. The
Armillaria fungi have a strong mushroom odor. By the time a tree or shrub wilts
and dies, the trunk is usually encircled by the fungus. With time, diseased
wood becomes light yellow to white, soft and spongy, often stringy in conifers
and marked on the surfaces by black zone lines. Decay in the butt and major
roots of birches, firs, and other trees results in vertical cracks in the root
collar. The cracks arise as trees weakened by internal decay are stressed by
wind or the weight of snow or ice.
The death of only a few branches can result from the killing of one or
several main lateral roots. After the plant dies, rhizomorphs (slender,
rootlike, dark brown to black "shoestrings" with a white interior) develop
beneath the bark (Figure 2 and 3). The rhizomorphs are 1 to 3 millimeters
in diameter, round or flattened and branched, and they consist of hyphal
strands bundled together and enclosed within suberized cells. The cordlike
rhizomorphs grow over infected roots and outward from a dead tree into
the soil approximately 20 inches per month. Not all strains or species
of Armillaria form rhizomorphs in nature. Small or large clusters
of yellowish brown "honey mushrooms" appear in late autumn after a rainy
period across and are often speckled dark brown. The lower surface is
light brown to white with radiating gills which are attached to and run
a little way down the stem. The mushrooms have a persistent whitish collar
or ring around the upper part of the stem. The mushrooms develop near
severely diseased roots and emerge through the soil, near the base of
a trunk.
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larger version
Figure 3. Rhizomorphs,
“shoestrings”, means by which
Armillaria fungi spread
(IL Nat. History Survey photo).
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Disease Cycle
Armillaria mellea and most other species survive as rhizomorphs and
vegetative mycelium on and in the dead and dying wood of tree stumps and roots.
Sometimes the fungi can be found several feet above the soil line on the trunk
of dead trees several years after being killed by Armillaria.
In the late autumn, mushrooms may arise from the rhizomorphs. Millions of microscopic
whitish spores (basidiospores) produced in the mushroom caps are carried by
the wind to dead stumps or injured bark at the base of living plants. Under
favorable conditions of moisture and temperature, a few basidiospores germinate
and produce a mycelium that infects the bark and later the sapwood and cambial
regions. It is doubtful that the basidiospores play an important role in the
occurrence of this disease. White "fans" of the mycelium develop on the sapwood,
followed by the formation of rhizomorphs. The rhizomorphs advance through the
soil at the rate of one or more meters (3 to 8 feet) per year in Illinois. The
spread of the disease is not so much a matter of the fungus growing toward the
roots of a healthy tree or shrub as it is of a healthy plant's roots growing
through the soil to wood already infected with Armillaria. Some species of the
fungus or perhaps strains within species, are virulent parasites while others
are opportunistic and act selectively on small or weak individual plants. Armillaria
also colonizes the declining root systems of plants felled or killed by other
Infection occurs when Armillaria mycelium comes in contact with and
adheres to young roots of a susceptible plant by means of a gelatinous secretion.
The mycelium penetrates a root by the action of secreted enzymes that partially
digest the cell walls of the young root. The fungus then grows into the root
tissue between the cells. Once a plant has been invaded, the Armillaria
fungus continues to ramify through the root and trunk tissues, even after the
host plant has been dead for several years. A large stump can support the growth
of rhizomorphs for decades. Trees killed by other diseases, such as Dutch elm
disease, annosus root rot (Heterobasidion annosum), or Phytophthora root
rot can be colonized by Armillaria and thus lead to severe local outbreaks
of the disease.
A tree or shrub may die in one to several years after initial infection, depending
on the vitality of the plant and environmental conditions. Armillaria
can pass from tree to tree via root grafts. Roots of trees under stress are
most easily infected. Armillaria is generally inhibited at soil temperatures
above 79°F (26°C).
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- Armillaria can be excluded if care is taken to insure that all planting
material brought into an area is disease free. Plant only well adapted trees
and shrubs in sites suited for vigorous growth.
- Fruit trees, pine plantations, or ornamental trees and shrubs should NOT
be planted in recently cleared areas where Armillaria has been a problem.
These areas should be planted with nonsusceptible crops such as corn, small
grains, and grasses for a few years to help eliminate the fungus. Another
possibility: use the infested area for lawn, vegetable garden, rockery, or
for annual and biennial flowers.
- Clean cultivation of an orchard can help distribute Armillaria infected
wood to other areas not infested with the fungus. A groundcover crop should
be used to replace the procedure of clean cultivation.
- In orchards and other areas where Armillaria is established, diseased trees
and shrubs should be carefully dug up, including the stump, all large roots,
stakes, or other wood harboring the fungus, and burned on the site instead
of transported to a dump. All pruning wastes should be burned rather than
incorporated into the soil to prevent the formation of new disease centers.
Deprived of their food supply, any rhizomorphs left in the soil will soon
die. Eradicating Armillaria from a site requires a thorough removal of all
diseased and dead wood.
- Plants found to be infected in only a few roots or a small part of the
root collar can be saved for a time by carefully removing the soil to expose
the root collar and buttress roots to aeration and drying from mid-spring
to late autumn. Infected bark and wood on large roots, buttress or trunk should
be excised back to healthy tissue. Replace the soil with Armillaria free soil
before the first heavy frost.
- Maintain tree and shrub vigor by good cultural management practices: (1)
regular fertilization, based on a soil test; (2) thorough watering during
extended droughts; and (3) insect and disease control. Where possible, provide
for adequate soil drainage in heavy, poorly drained sites. Avoid all root
damage to established woody plants in areas where construction is to occur.
This is particularly relevant to oak groves. Avoid soil fill and soil removal
around valuable trees and shrubs.
- If the precise source of infection is known and cannot be removed, it should
be possible in some cases to prevent the rhizomorphs from reaching the trees
and shrubs to be protected by sinking a sheet of heavy polyethylene vertically
into the soil between diseased and healthy plant(s), provided it extends far
enough laterally (several feet beyond the outer dripline) and at least a meter
(3 feet) into the soil. A suitable deep ditch would have the same effect.
- Fungicides applied to infected trees are not recommended.
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Table 1. Resistance or Susceptibility to Armillaria
Root Rot of Certain Woody Plants Adapted to Illinoisa |
Common Name |
Common Name |
Immune or Highly Resistant |
Abutilon or flowering maple |
Holly mahonia, Oregon grape |
American sweet gum |
Japanese pagoda tree |
American holly |
Japanese maple |
American plum |
Japanese flowering crabapple |
American chestnut |
Kentucky coffee tree |
American or sweet elder |
Maidenhair tree |
Amur cork tree |
Mock-orange |
Austrian pine |
Modesto ash |
Bald cypress |
Mulberry |
Bayberry |
Osage orange |
Big-leaf maple, Oregon maple |
Pawpaw |
Black cherry |
Pecan |
Boxelder |
Planetrees or sycamore |
Boxwood |
Prairie crabapple |
Callery pear |
Rose of Sharon |
Cherry plum |
Russian olive, oleaster |
Chinese wisteria |
Scots pine, Scotch pine |
Chinese elm |
Shademaster honeylocust |
Clematis |
Shining sumac |
Colorado or white fir |
Smoke tree |
Common persimmon |
Southern magnolia |
Common catalpa |
St. Johnswort (shrub form) |
Dawn redwood |
Staghorn sumac |
English holly |
Swamp birch |
French pear |
Tamarisk |
Ginnala maple, Amur maple |
Thornless honeylocust |
Hackberry |
Tree of heaven |
Tuliptree |
Moderately Resistant |
Black locust |
Japanese larch |
Bridal wreath |
Japanese zelkova |
Common pear |
Lalande pyracantha |
Douglas fir |
Mazzard sweet cherry |
European larch |
Norway spruce |
Glossy abelia, white abelia |
Scarlet firethorn |
Golden raintree |
Silk tree, mimosa |
Green Japanese barberry |
Washington thorn |
Honeysuckle |
Yellowwood |
Hybrid larch |
Yew |
Susceptible |
American beech |
Mahaleb cherry |
Apple |
Narrowleaf firethorn |
Bush cherry |
Oakleaf hydrangea |
Chinese chestnut |
Peach, flowering peach |
Chokecherry |
Privets (except Japanese privet) |
Colorado blue spruce |
Prostrate junipers |
Cutleaf crabapple |
Redbud |
Eley crabapple |
Rock cotoneaster |
English walnut |
Roses |
European white birch |
Rowal paulownia, Empress tree |
European beech |
Sargent crabapple |
European hornbeam |
Serian spruce |
Flowering almond |
Shrubby St. Johnsworth |
Golden chain tree |
Siberian crabapple |
Gooseberry |
Sweet chestnut |
Grapes |
Tea crabapple |
Japanese flowering cherry |
Weigela |
Katsura tree |
Western red cedar |
Lilac |
Willows |
A partial listing taken largely from Resistance or Susceptibility of Certain
Plants to Armillaria Root Rot, by Dr. Robert D. Raabe, Division of Agricultural
Sciences, University of California, Leaflet 2591. |
For further information on diseases of trees and ornamentals contact Nancy
R. Pataky, Director of the Plant Disease Clinic and Extension Specialist, Department
of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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