No species of pine is immune, but many are somewhat resistant. Austrian or black pine (Pinus nigra) is the most susceptible followed by Scots (P. sylvestris), and red (P. resinosa), Swiss mountain (P. Mugo), ponderosa (P. ponderosa), and eastern white (P. strobus) in decreasing order of susceptibility. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), big-cone spruce (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Colorado blue spruce (P. pun gens), Sitka spruce (P. sitchensis), noble fir (Abies procera), silver fir (A. alba), and American larch (Larix laricina) are occasionally infected. Other evergreen genera reported as being susceptible include true cedars (Cupressus spp), Chamaecyparis spp, arborvitae (Thuja spp), hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), junipers (Juniperus spp), and Cedrus spp. The Sphaeropsis fungus should be considered likely to colonize any pine and many other conifers growing under unfavorable conditions or among diseased, highly susceptible species such as Austrian pine. The disease is caused by the fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea (synonyms S. ellisii and Diplodia pinea) which normally infects the young, healthy, unwounded needles of new candles. However, twigs of trees weakened by stress, such as drought, water shortage, compacted soil, root injury, excess shade, heat reflected from nearby roofs and walls, and wounds caused by hail, pruning tools, or insects (pine spittlebug, Aphrophora parallela, and a bark beetle, Myelophilus piniperda) are also infected. Trees 30 years or older are most severely damaged. The disease rarely occurs on young trees, possibly because the fungus builds up mainly in the tissues of old, dead seed cones. Thus, until a tree has acquired a quantity of old of old dead cones, its chances for infection remain low. Seedlings and young trees can become infected, however, if they grow near older infected trees. Seedlings are usually killed when the fungus girdles the stem at or near the soil line. Infected germinating pine seeds are killed by a decay of the radicle as it emerges. SymptomsYoung candles that grow from infected buds are generally short, bent, and soon die, whereas, candles already developed from healthy buds stop elongating and become curled and twisted after infection. As infected stem tissue dies back, the whole candle droops. Resinous cankers often appear on infected stems at the youngest branch whorls and often on stems at the base of blighted needles. Death of the candle stimulates the formation of new lateral shoots in the healthy stem tissue below. These shoots eventually may become blighted, turning shades of yellow-green to straw color. Infected twigs commonly exude resin, resulting in the stunted, dead, brown needles sticking to the twig. Infected cones fail to mature. Black, pinpoint-sized specks fungus fruiting bodies or pycnidia form near the base of infected dead needles, mainly under the sheath (Figure 2), in the bark of infected twigs or branches, and on infected second-year cone scales. In older twigs that have been killed, the bark is dark brown and the sapwood is stained gray or blue-black. Top killing and death of entire trees result from a massive invasion of the wood and bark of trunks and, rarely, the major roots of trees stressed by an extended drought or other agents. Sphaeropsis blight can be confused with symptoms caused by (1) low temperatures, (2) drought, (3) winter drying, and (4) Nantucket pine shoot moth (Rhyacionia frustrana) injury. These problems can be distinguished from Sphaeropsis blight because the dead tissues beginning in autumn lack the small black pycnidia. Twigs infected by the pine shoot moth are also distinguished from Sphaeropsis blight by the presence of frass and the hollow piths that are eaten out by the moth larvae; shoots killed by Sphaeropsis blight, in comparison, are solid, hard, brittle, and infiltrated with resin. Disease CycleGerminating conidia (Figure 3) invade new buds or new needle growth by stomatal penetration and sometimes through wounds. Penetration of young stems occurs through the intact epidermis. Most infections occur in mid to late spring. Young shoots are highly susceptible during the short period from bud swell to when the needles are about half grown. Second-year seed cones are also highly susceptible, but their susceptible period appears to start later than that of the shoots and extends later into the season. The seed cones of previously noninfected trees are more likely to become infected than the new shoots. The Sphaeropsis fungus grows quickly through the needle tissue, then to the stem, and finally into adjacent needles. Dieback symptoms appear several weeks or more after infection. Later in the season, pycnidia (Figure 3c) appear on the tissue soon after it dies. Neither the mature needles or stems of previous years' growth are infected by the fungus, nor are the first-year seed cones. Pollen cones are seldom infected. Control
For further information on diseases of ornamentals contact Nancy R. Pataky, Extension Specialist of Turf and Ornamentals, and Director of the Plant Disease Clinic, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. |
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