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Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News:A Newsletter for Commercial Growers of Fruit and Vegetable Crops Vol. 13 , No. 2, March 30, 2007 |
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." --Aristotle Address any questions or comments regarding this newsletter to the individual authors listed after each article or to its editor, Rick Weinzierl, 217-333-6651, weinzier@uiuc.edu. To receive email notification of new postings of this newsletter, call or write the same number or address. This issue's words of wisdom ... which usually means the jokes ... are at the end of newsletter ... check the last page. In This Issue:Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu) Notes from Chris Doll (rapid start to spring, Ethrel in peaches, OFM captures on March 27, death of John Tanner) Fruit Production and Pest Management (Tree Fruit Field Guide, periodical cicada in northern IL, insecticides for apples, oriental fruit moth flight underway) Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Dec - Feb temperatures and Stewart's wilt predictions for sweet corn) University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management Upcoming Programs
Regional UpdatesIn southern and southwestern Illinois, spring has sprung. Record highs have resulted in significant changes in the landscape, and a significant increase in field operations. And everything is happening in a hurry. Apples are at half-inch green to tight cluster, with European pears at full bloom. Peaches are at bloom to petal fall with cherries at tight cluster. Bramble primocanes are up and showing significant growth, while the floricanes are breaking bud. Blueberries are close to bloom in the far south, but not quite as far along closer to I-70. The earlier grape varieties such as 'Foch' were at bud swell on St. Patrick's Day, and later varieties such as Chambourcin are at bud swell now. For those still pruning grapes in the southern region, great care should be taken because buds are very delicate and easily broken off. Strawberries have been uncovered for several weeks and are showing good growth. Overall, there has been minimal winter kill in fruit crops to date. Two twilight meetings have been scheduled in the Calhoun/Jersey County area for tree fruit growers. The first twilight meeting is scheduled for April 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Joe Ringhausen Orchard, 67 S. State Street (US 67), Jerseyville. The second is scheduled for May 22 at 6:00 p.m. at Murray's Orchard just north of Mosier, IL. From Hardin, go north to Kampsville, and turn left (west) on State Route 96. Follow the right hand turn to stay on State Route 96, and then turn right onto Crooked Creek Road (at the white church on corner). Go about a ¼ mile, and Murray's Orchard is the first driveway on the right. Overnight it seems the fields have been plowed. Two successive plantings of sweet corn are already in for several growers throughout the region. Conditions have been good for early establishment of most of the early season crops as well, including potatoes going in traditionally around St. Patrick's Day. Last season's horseradish is still being dug, and the new crop should start going in very soon. Harlequin bugs were observed on crowns and foliage in fields still to be dug (reflecting successful overwintering), but it's unlikely that they'll move to new horseradish fields in large numbers. Transplanting of tomatoes in high tunnels began last week. Elizabeth Wahle (618-692-9434; wahle@uiuc.edu) At the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, plasticulture strawberries are in bloom. Growers should monitor patches for eastern flower thrips and for voles. Voles seem to be dramatically worse this year across southern Illinois. Where you see three or four weak strawberry plants in a row, cut the plastic and look for droppings or burrows from voles. Needing an enormous number of couplers to return the trickle system to function is another good indicator you have or had a vole problem. As growers make fungicide applications, please remember to rotate chemistries (modes of action) to avoid problems with resistance development. Peaches are largely at petal fall and apples at pink. Blueberries should be in bloom very soon.
Growers have planted tomatoes in high tunnels, and they are off and running. Actually a few planted outside in the field are also off and running with the record warm temperatures we have been havening. No bets have been placed on the field-grown tomatoes ... still a lot of April left ... like all of it, including the 1st to the 15th. Early sweet corn is germinating and should emerge in a day or two.
Jeff Kindhart (618-695-2444; jkindhar@uiuc.edu) In northern Illinois, a mix of cloudy and clear days, with high temps into the upper 70s, have brought signs of spring. Rainfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches have been common, with greater accumulations nearer the Mississippi River, so field preparation activities have been minimal. Tree fruits and small fruits are still dormant, and pruning of apples, peaches, brambles and grapes is still going on in many orchards. Growers who produce their own vegetable transplants have started seedling production in greenhouses. Maurice Ogutu (708-352-0109; ogutu@uiuc.edu) Degree-Day Accumulations
Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu)
Notes from Chris DollThe last frost/freeze was on March 18, and for the 10 days through March 28, the average daily high temperature has been 78 degrees. This has caused rapid development of all fruit crops. Peaches are in petal fall stage, sweet cherries are approaching full bloom, Japanese plums are at late petal fall while European plums are at first bloom. Apples range from cluster bud to cluster separation, and grape buds are swollen. Peach bloom ranged from 100 percent on Encore to 30-40 percent on Red Haven and Cresthaven. The latter varieties will still need thinning if fruit set is good. One of my observations in the Back-40 is that many of the new peach and nectarine varieties from the USDA and California breeding programs are early bloomers. This is not a problem unless spring freezes happen at the wrong time. I mentioned the use of fall sprays of Ethrel on peaches to delay bud break. It has been very successful on many of my trees this year, with a 3-5 day delay in bloom. However, my experimental program of half-tree treatments has really compounded spraying times. Full pink was too early for the untreated half of the tree, and the later bloom from the Ethrel side means late application of the petal fall spray In other words, the 50 varieties have the normal varietal variation plus the chemical-induced variation. According to my records, the last time we had a peach bloom this early was in 1995. In the last 36 years, full bloom was earlier three times. Some apple growers will probably see some pink in March, but only in 1991 did I record a full pink stage before April 1. Locally, rainfall is below normal for both the month and the year, but soil moisture seems ample and planting is on going. The first OFM moths were caught on the 27th, and leaf miner and San Jose scale traps remain empty. IN MEMORIUM: John Tanner of Speer died on March 16 at the age of 93. John was the founder of Tanner's Orchard, now one of the state's fine orchards and farm markets, in 1947. He and his wife Margaret ran the operation until 1977 when sons Harold and Richard became partners with them. John then retired in 1981. Margaret preceded him in death in 2003, and he is survived by the two sons and daughters Wilma Knobloch and Nancy Stoller, and 14 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. John was well known around the state as a buyer of produce for the market and for his support of the apple industry. He was a past president of the Illinois State Horticulture Society and a member of its Hall of Fame. Chris Doll Fruit Production and Pest ManagementNot Much of a Plot, But What a Cast This brief entry is taken from the March 19, 2007, issue of Scaffolds, the tree fruit newsletter from Cornell University in New York (http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/scaffolds/2007/070319.html). Last October, after 4 years of work, we published a new reference that should be of interest to growers, consultants, biologists, extensionists, students, and home fruit growers. The Tree Fruit Field Guide to Insect, Mite, and Disease Pests and Natural Enemies of Eastern North America (Agnello, Chouinard, Firlej, Turechek, Vanoosthuyse, and Vincent) is a 238-page handbook of fact sheet-type entries, including color photos, descriptions and actual-size drawings, distribution, damage symptoms and general management recommendations, to help growers identify pest insects, mites, and diseases that cause damage in the orchard, as well as beneficial insects, spiders, and mites that can be found in tree fruit plantings. It includes over 25 pages of diagnostic keys to insect and mite damage and disease symptoms, a glossary, and an index/cross-reference to common, scientific, and family names; also, a list of recommended sources for further information, including useful Internet sites. The book is available through NRAES (Natural Resource, Agricultural, and Engineering Service) in Ithaca, through its website: www.nraes.org, and can be ordered online for $32 retail (pub No. NRAES-169). Quantity discounts are available. (Art Agnello, Entomology, Cornell University - Geneva, NY) Periodical Cicadas ... This is the Year in Northern Illinois
Yes, it's true. In northern Illinois, including the Chicago metropolitan area, Marlatt's Brood XIII of the 17-year cicada, also known as the Northern Illinois Brood, will emerge in 2007 in the area marked XIII on the map above. Expect emergence when soil temperatures just below the soil surface reach 64 degrees F - by mid May to early June. Cicadas damage trees and shrubs by using their saw-like ovipositor (egg-laying organ) to cut a slit in twigs or shoots, then they lay their eggs into the slit. Nymphs later hatch and drop to the ground, where they burrow down to roots and begin their 17 years of feeding and development below the soil surface. Years of emergence for the broods shown on the map above are as follows:
For an interesting look at cicadas (and even recordings of the songs of different species), check out the University of Michigan's Periodical Cicada Page at: http://insects.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/fauna/michigan_cicadas/Periodical/Index.html. Also see the University of Illinois web site on cicadas at: http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/cicadas/index.html. Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu) Insecticides for Apple Pest ManagementIn the last few years several new insecticides have been registered for use on apples, and at the same time others have been removed from use or the numbers of applications or timing of their use has been restricted. I encourage Illinois growers to check the 2007 Midwest Commercial Tree Fruit Spray Guide (http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM1282.pdf) and the production guides from nearby states, as well as the summaries carried by trade publications such as the Good Fruit Grower and Fruit Grower's News. In addition, here are some specific observations for Illinois growers.
Future issues of this newsletter will provide additional information insect management and insecticide selection in apples. For now, growers are advised to plan the general nature of their management plans for plum curculio, codling moth, and apple maggot in advance. That plan should recognize the risk of resistance development and therefore not use any specific insecticide (or class of insecticides with the same mode of action) extensively against both first and second generation codling moth. Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu) Oriental Fruit Moth Flight UnderwayCaptures of oriental fruit moth in pheromone traps began last week in far southern Illinois, and flight is underway at least as far north as Edwardsville. Fahrenheit degree-day accumulations since January 1 have reached or exceeded 175 (base 45 F) as far north as Bloomington, and at least some models predict first flight by 175 DD. Traps at Urbana have yet to catch the season's first moths, however. The next issue of this newsletter will provide biofix dates for oriental fruit moth as well as degree-day accumulations at various locations. Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu) Vegetable Production and Pest ManagementOverwintering Survival of Corn Flea Beetle and Potential for Stewart's Wilt
The summary here will look a lot like the one from last year, but the 2006-07 winter temps and the forecasts based on those temps are indeed updated, so read on ... Corn flea beetles are the primary vector of Stewart's wilt. Erwinia stewartii, the bacterium that causes Stewart's wilt, survives the winter in the gut of the corn flea beetle, and survival of the corn flea beetle is dependent on winter temperatures. Warmer winters result in greater survivorship of corn flea beetles, thus increasing the potential for Stewart's wilt. Using the average temperature of December, January, and February, the potential of Stewart's wilt can be predicted (Table 1).
Corn flea beetles become active in the spring when temperatures rise above 65°F. They feed on corn and transmit Stewart's wilt bacteria to seedling corn plants. The bacterium can spread systemically throughout the plant. Although most commercial field corn hybrids are resistant to Stewart's wilt, the disease is still a concern for susceptible seed corn inbreds and many sweet corn hybrids. There are two phases of Stewart's wilt, the seedling wilt phase and the leaf blight phase. The seedling wilt stage occurs when seedlings become infected at or before the V5 stage. The vascular system becomes plugged with bacteria, causing the seedling to wilt, become stunted, and die. Infections of older corn plants usually result in the development of the leaf blight phase of Stewart's wilt. This phase is characterized by long, yellow to chlorotic streaks with wavy margins along the leaves. When the late infection phase or "leaf blight phase" of Stewart's wilt occurs after tasseling, it is generally not a concern in sweet corn because ears are harvested before damage occurs. Based on the recent winter temperatures from the Midwest Regional Climate Center, estimates of early season Stewart's wilt for 2007 are shown in Table 2.
Note that the temperatures for 2006-07 were a little lower than in 2005-06, but only slightly (and because of the late cold period in February). Options for limiting losses to Stewart's wilt include planting resistant hybrids or controlling flea beetles by use of systemic seed treatments (neonicotinoids applied by the seed supplier) or foliar insecticides. For information on the susceptibility of specific hybrids to Stewart's wilt, check the sweet corn disease nursery website provided by Snook Pataky (http://sweetcorn.uiuc.edu/stewarts.html). For more information on corn flea beetle and Stewart's wilt, check the fact sheet at http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/fieldcrops/insects/corn_flea_beetle/index.html. Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu (adapted from an article from 2006 by Kelly Cook (217-333-4424; kcook8@uiuc.edu) and Jerald Pataky (j-pataky@uiuc.edu) ... (http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume12/frveg1202.html). Words of Wisdom ... never jump to conclusions ...As a respected businessman and community leader, John was particularly embarrassed ... he had hurried out the house to make it to the evening's charity banquet on time, but upon arriving, he realized that he had left his dentures in the cleaning tray. It wasn't any easier when he felt compelled to tell the total stranger seated next to him why it was that he was not eating. To his surprise, the stranger looked at John's mouth, then reached into his jacket pocket and offered a set of dentures ... unfortunately they were too small. Not giving up, the stranger reached into his pocket again, producing another set of false teeth, but this time they were too large. Amazingly, the stranger produced yet a third set of dentures, and to John's relief, they fit almost perfectly. As John and the man next to him began to enjoy their meals, John expressed his gratitude and concluded with the obvious, "How lucky for me that I happen to be seated next to a dentist on this of all evenings." The stranger replied with a smile, "I'm afraid you're mistaken, I'm no dentist ... I'm an undertaker." University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit and Vegetable Production & Pest Management
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