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Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News:A Newsletter for Commercial Growers of Fruit and Vegetable Crops Vol. 15, Nos. 19-20, March 18, 2009 |
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." --Aristotle Address any questions or comments regarding this newsletter to the individual authors listed after each article or to its editor, Rick Weinzierl, 217-244-2126, weinzier@uiuc.edu. To receive email notification of new postings of this newsletter, call or write the same number or address. In This Issue:Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Jeff Kindhart) Fruit Production and Pest Management (reminders / recommendations on traps for monitoring fruit insects) Vegetable Production and Pest Management (seed and root maggots) University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management ** 2010 Subscription Form (Adobe PDF, 119kb) Upcoming Programs
A fee of $20 per person will be charged for each tour, which includes lunch. This year two adults pay $30 when registered together and children under the age of 10 attend free. Registration at least one week in advance is required. Visit http://web.extension.illinois.edu/smallfarm/ag_tours.cfm to register and for more details about each of the tours including a map and agenda. To register by phone, contact Donna Cray at 217-241-4644. For more information, contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant (217-968-5512; cvnghgrn@illinois.edu). References and Web SitesSeveral key references are available to fruit and vegetable growers in the Midwest. Here are few that are especially useful ...
To order printed copies of the small fruit grape spray guide, the tree fruit spray guide, or the vegetable production guide, Illinois growers should contact the University of Illinois at 1-800-345-6087 (toll-free within the U.S.) or Regional UpdatesIn the southern region, we finally have signs of spring; the peepers are actively singing, daffodils are blooming and field preparations are just getting started. Some areas are still very wet, delaying some operations. In orchards, pruning for the most part is done in apples and teams have moved into peaches. Though some have finished, grape pruning is ongoing as well. Be thinking about dormant copper sprays for both apple and peaches, targeting apples at silvertip if fire blight was severe last year and anytime before bud swell in peaches. Do not use oil if temperatures below freezing are predicted within 24 hrs. It is best to remove brush before spraying. If grape anthracnose was a problem last year, a dormant application of lime sulfur solution or Sulforix is a must and should be applied to just prior to bud swell. If you have blueberries, a dormant application of lime sulfur solution or Sulforix is recommended for control of Phomopsis and twig blight, targeting the application as buds begin to break. Get your calendars out. The North American Fruit Explorers have scheduled their annual meeting for August 19-21, 2010 at the Best Western Motel/Conference Center in Lafayette, IN. To view the program and registration form, go to the following link: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/edwardsvillecenter/foodcrophort3031.html. For additional details or questions: contact Ed Fackler at cefackler@gmail.com or 812-366-3181. Elizabeth Wahle (618-692-9434; wahle@illinois.edu) At the Dixon Springs Ag Center, we're putting up 3 high tunnels at the Dixon Springs Ag Center this year. Construction of the first high tunnel is about 70% complete, and it should be skinned in a few days. Some growers have already planted their tomatoes in high tunnels while others are waiting until after this weekend's forecast cold snap has passed. Again, growers using these season extension techniques benefit from larger quality transplants in order to maximize early yields and ultimately to maximize their return on their investment in the high tunnel. Pruning on blueberries is underway here at DSAC and we continue to see a great interest from individuals looking to make new blueberry plantings. Pruning on blackberries should also be completed this week.
Jeff Kindhart (618-695-2770; jkindhar@illinois.edu) Notes from Chris DollWhat a difference a year makes! On this date in 2009, things were growing and sprayers were running for some of the early sprays. Today, all I could see in the Back-40 was some flower bud swelling on some Japanese plums and early apricots. It was hard to see any swell of peach buds or silver tip on apple. March has seen a continuation of February weather, which was several degrees colder than normal, with 57 degrees the highest temperature. Except for a couple of 70-degree days last week, cool temperatures with lots of clouds have been the norm. Rainfall is a couple of inches below normal, but soils remain saturated. Plants are somewhat like people in that they are waiting for spring weather, and a few warm days can make a lot of difference. Sprayers and pesticide inventories had better be ready. A check on personal records in the Back-40 for the last 40 years shows that the earliest full bloom date for peaches was March 27 in 2007(and also in 1976 and 1991). For apples the earliest full bloom date was April 7, 1990. The latest full bloom date for peaches was April 19, 2008 and the latest date for apples was May 4, 1984. There is still time to get pruning done in both tree fruits and small fruits. In fact, is approaching the best time to prune peaches as they get near bloom time. This usually gives a grower more time to assess potential freeze injury, and the pruning wounds heal more rapidly to prevent disease infection. A survey of peach flower buds indicates that a good bloom is expected, and usually that means lots of thinning to follow. Dr. Rich Marini of Penn State University has studied peach growth and fruiting and found that peach size on 18- to 30-inch shoots tends to be larger than on shoots less than 12 inches long, and writes that it can be advantageous to remove the short, thin shoots for that reason. Since apple scab was more of a problem in 2009, some growers will need to adjust the timing and maybe the composition of fungicides this year. I have not been able to determine if resistance to apple scab is a problem in this area, as most growers use a good selection of fungicides. I like Dr. Dave Rosenberger's analysis of scab materials in a 2009 report in which he says that "mancozeb (Penncozeb, Manzate, Dithane) and captan have been around for over 60 years and still rank as the two most important fungicides for apple disease control. Both are widely used to control scab, and captan has shown superior control in many studies." There are many other good compounds that can give the control needed when some systemic and kick-back action is needed. Based on the number of attendees at the recent Small Fruit and Strawberry schools in Mt. Vernon, there is considerable interest in these fruit crops for the local markets. Two basic talks on growing blueberries were given by Jeff Kindhart of the University of Illinois and Dale Bryant of New Salisbury, IN. They pretty much concurred on the requirements for establishing a successful blueberry farm. These included (1) money and lots of it; (2) having a soil with a pH of 4.6 to 4.8 for optimum growth and yields; (3) have irrigation available to maintain soil moisture at optimum levels for the shallow-rooted plants; (4) mulch with an organic product like sawdust to help with weed control, water conservation and cooler soil temperatures; and (5) a well-drained soil both internally and on the surface. Blueberries do not like wet feet. In the strawberry session, Nate Nourse of Nourse Farms in S. Deerfield, MA gave the reasons and basics for an annual plasticulture system with dormant plants of varieties adapted to the Midwest. With a little extra labor and care, the system can be held over for a second harvest season. The benefits are that dormant plants are used instead of plug or growing plants. The plastic mulch helps control weeds and reduces soil moisture losses. Picking is easier, berries are larger, and fruit loss is minimal. It does require a trickle tube beneath each row of plants, and the winter protection can be row covers or straw mulch. I have not seen this in practice in Illinois but have heard about it for several years. More information about these two schools can be found in the 2010 Proceedings, available from Bronwyn Aly, DSAC, Rt. 1, Box 256, Simpson, IL. 6285 Chris Doll Fruit Production and Pest ManagementPheromone Traps for Fruit InsectsIt's time for the usual annual reminders about pheromone traps for fruit insects. This includes a fair bit of repetition from previous years, along with some updates for 2009. For apple, peach, and grape growers, NOW is the time to order pheromone traps for key insects if you've not already done so. (Yes, sooner would have been better, and I tried to get this message out at all our winter meetings as well.) Although traps are available and useful for monitoring many insects of fruit crops, the ones listed in the table that follows are probably the most important for most Illinois fruit growers. Other pests that may be worth monitoring with traps include dogwood borer, spotted tentiform leafminer, redbanded leafroller, and obliquebanded leafroller in apples and peachtree borer in peaches. Contact me if you want more information on these insects. What kind of traps should I use? A few companies manufacture traps, and all have a similar range of designs. Trecé is still the best known, but Scentry, Suterra, and others are also reliable providers. Over the last few years, the trap design that has become most widely used for fruit insects in general is the large plastic delta trap; Trecé sells it as the Pherocon VI trap, and Suterra and Scentry simply call it a large plastic delta trap (LPD). This trap is quick to set up and easy to maintain, because unlike earlier "wing traps," the sticky trapping surface is provided by an exchangeable card that slides in and out quickly and easily. It is MUCH faster to change sticky liners on this trap than it is to change the bottoms of the wing traps we used several years ago. If you bring the trap "shell" indoors at the end of the season, you can expect to get 2 to 3 years use from each trap (while replacing lures and liners as needed).
What attracts moths to traps? For all the moths typically monitored using sticky pheromone traps, the trap must be baited with a pheromone lure -- usually a small piece of rubber or plastic containing a synthetic blend of chemicals that is very similar to compounds used by female moths to attract males. When traps capture male moths, that serves as an indication that females are also present, and mating and egg-laying are occurring. When you order pheromone traps, you also must order lures for the specific insect(s) you wish to monitor. (Sometimes you may order "kits" that come with a combination of traps and enough extra sticky liners and lures to last the season.) Remember that although you may use the same type of trap to monitor different pests, you must use only a single lure per trap ... it does not work to put lures for codling moth and tufted apple bud moth in the same trap. Depending on the pest species, lures usually last 2 to 8 weeks (suppliers can tell you the effective life of the lures they sell), so you have to order enough lures to last through the whole season. What about apple maggot? For apple growers in the northern half of Illinois, monitoring the flight of apple maggot flies also is necessary. Traps for apple maggot flies rely on appearance (especially the color and shape of a bright red apple) and the use of a food odor ("apple volatiles") instead of a pheromone, and they are designed to capture female apple maggot flies ready to lay eggs on fruit. All the major suppliers of insect traps carry these kinds of traps. Growers should order the red spheres, tubes or tubs of stick-um or tanglefoot, and the food lures recommended by the supplier. Apple maggot traps may be used without any food lures; counts are interpreted accordingly.
How many traps should I use? There are no precise answers, but in general, for the moths that are pests in Midwest fruit crops, I consider it adequate to use 2 to 3 pheromone traps per pest species per each block of trees or vineyard up to 10 acres in size. Guidelines often recommend at least 3 traps per pest species for any orchard up to 10 acres in size and 1more trap for every 3 to 5 acres above 10. To monitor 50 acres of trees in 3 or 4 separate blocks, use at least 3 traps per block and at least 9-12 traps total. Always use at least 3 apple maggot traps (red spheres) per block of trees. See the table below regarding placement of traps. If you have only one relatively small block of trees, you may want to order 3-trap "kits" that suppliers package for each of the major pests. Kits with "standard" lures will include 3 lures per trap, but because the lures for most will have to be replaced every 4 weeks, most Illinois growers will need yet another 2 extra lures per pest species per trap to get through the entire season. Suppliers also sell these extra lures and extra "liners" (the sticky trapping surface) for traps. If you operate an orchard larger than 10 to 15 acres, you'll need more traps, so don't "mess with" 3-trap kits; contact the suppliers and make plans to order supplies in bulk. "Long-life" lures are available for the codling moth and the Oriental fruit moth (and some other species) ... these lures last 8 weeks between changes and are the best choice for almost all Illinois growers. For apple growers in southern Illinois ... it has been a few years since we saw some problems with tufted apple bud moth in orchards treated pretty much exclusively with organophosphates. With greater reliance on alternative chemistries in recent years, this pest has not reached economic levels in any Illinois orchards in the last 5 years (to my knowledge), but I'm including it in the following table because it still warrants attention in some orchards. Pheromone trapping guidelines
Midwestern suppliers of pheromone traps include:
Rick Weinzierl (217-333-6651; weinzier@uiuc.edu) Vegetable Production and Pest ManagementSeed and Root Maggots The February 26, 2010, issue of Purdue University's Vegetable Crops Hotline included a very timely and pertinent article on seed and root maggots by Rick Foster. It includes an evaluation of Admire and Actara for control of seedcorn maggot in muskmelons, and none of the rates of either product used in the trial provided good control. Check it out at ... http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Pubs/vegcrop/VCH2010/VCH517.pdf . Background information on seed and root maggots (seedcorn maggot, cabbage maggot, and onion maggot) is available by "googling" them on the web and in the book Vegetable Insect Management, edited by Rick Foster and Brian Flood (Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907; ISBN 1-892829-15-0; published by Meister Media, 2006, Willoughby, OH). Brief sampling and threshold information, along with listings of insecticides registered for the control of these insects, are presented in the 2010 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, available on-line at http://btny.purdue.edu/Pubs/ID/ID-56/.
(Rick Weinzierl; 217-244-2126; weinzier@uiuc.edu) Less seriously
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit and Vegetable Production & Pest Management
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